【探究】仰星・特進 1・2年生 SGL活動 10/6 「探究DAY」


2年生はこの日に向けて共同団体の方々と休みの間に計画を立て、啓発素材のお披露目を行いました。自らデザインしたポスターやチラシを市役所や関連部署に持っていき、置き場を決めてる班、子供向けに楽しくゴミのポイ捨ての注意喚起を訴えかける制作物を作って地域の幼稚園で講話をする班、高齢者を交流ができ認知症予防にもなる遊べる啓発物を作り老人ホームで実際に交流を図る班、校内で啓発物の完成度を高める班など… それぞれが自分たちで立てたスケジュールの下に活動をしていました。



Today was the final piece in the flower planting project for the 1st grade students. The students went to five different locations: Okuraike Park, Hasama Park, Toyoake Danchi, Misaki Waterside Park and Zengo Station. In each location the students worked hand in hand with people from the local community and associations to create beautiful green areas full of wonderful colored flowers in all manner of shapes and intricate designs. The teams worked the ground with hand held tools to make the soil light and fluffy in preparation for the delivery of fresh flowers. Once the flowers arrived the students and locals formed into teams and each team was briefed on that areas particular design and layout. The flowers were initially laid out still in their plastic pots and then planted as per the specifics of each design. Once planted the flowers were watered in by the students then a final clean-up was conducted before pictures were taken of the finished garden areas and of the hard working teams of students and locals. 

Next the teams moved to local community halls where a one-hour discussion was held. The local community members were asked to talk about any issues or problems they faced which were then discussed in the group. The students then one by one talked about their own personal ideas about how to improve matters in the local area which focused particularly on the elderly and the onset of dementia which is a growing problem among that age group. 

Finally, the groups discussed watering schedules to be carried out by the students for the newly planted flowers and ways in which the local residents can also help out. 

Once the discussion session was over the students returned to school and completed the activity worksheets before discussing their project activities.