グローカル探究/未来探究/sports knowledge



 5時間目は、10月11日(金)に予定されている探究DAYでの研修先について調べ、どの研修先を選択するかの希望調査を行いました。探究DAYでは、SDGs AICHI EXPO2024への参加、各研修先に行きSDGsや社会課題への取組みを学習、情報収集してSDGsゲームの開発や今後の探究学習に生かしていきます。今年は5つの研修候補があるため、それぞれが興味・関心がある所を選択していました。またゲーム作成に向けて、過去に作成したSDGsゲームに触れて、ゲーム制作のヒントを得る活動もおこないました。


【第11回】 9月6日(金)5・6限「2学期の探究授業に向けて」




【第10回】9月6日(金)5・6限「星夢キャリアデザイン」(3年生 探究)

9/6  5限目は、2学期から行う「星夢キャリアデザイン」の説明と希望調査を行いました。1年生で学習したSDGsの内容もかけ合わせ、複数の分野ごとに自分たちの力で探究していきます。今回から始まる学習内容に期待と不安があると思いますが、3年間の集大成として、今後の進路につながる発表ができるといいです。



グローカル探究/未来探究/sports knowledge









グローカル探究/未来探究/sports knowledge

7/4 and 7/11 Regional Collaborative Creation Project

Students were visited by members of the following collaborating organizations: Peace, Toyoake City Hall (Childcare Division/Childcare Support Division), Toyoake City Hall (Coexistence Society Division), Toyoake International Association and Sugi Holdings.

The students in each group gave their ideas to the collaborating organisations on how to improve various aspects of life in the Toyoake area with regards to the elderly, childcare and coexistence. The feedback they received was invaluable in order to fine-tune their ideas and give each group a clear picture of how each of their activities will benefit the local community.

In Toyoake City, people from various backgrounds, such as elderly citizens, foreign citizens, people with disabilities, people raising children, and LGBTQ+, live together. Seijo High School aims to create a “coexistence society" where Toyoake citizens of all backgrounds can understand each other, and in order to realize this, we would like to discover local issues and work toward solving them.

Therefore, students who choose the Korea/Taiwan course as their study trip destination will carry out a “Regional Collaborative Creation Project." In order to improve the solutions to local issues that they have come up with, we would like the students to create effective enlightenment materials with the help of collaborating organizations that are close to Toyoake citizens on a daily basis through this field-specific council.

Students reflected on the content of the field-specific conference and revised the content in addition to deciding on the awareness-raising materials they will work on and think about future plans.

Students will actually create something that will be the first step towards solving local issues and will present it to the collaborating organizations and third graders. The ideal situation is for the collaborating organizations to take home the things and ideas they presented and actually use them.

グローカル探究/未来探究/sports knowledge

7/4 and 7/11 Flower Road Project

The students summarized the creation and background of the slogans to be posted on Flower Road. The aim of each team is to complete the content spreadsheet and slides for the presentation. The background of the slogan should be related to Toyoake City and they should use their own feelings about Toyoake City as the background.

Students who choose the Okinawa course as their study trip destination will carry out the “Flower Road Project," an ongoing project based on community and social contribution activities, environmental conservation activities, and community collaboration. The project will involve placing planters with slogans promoting understanding and awareness of the SDGs from the perspective of town and community development along the school route from Zengo Station to the vicinity of the Seven-Eleven Toyoake Sakaemachi store. At the slogan sharing event, students shared their slogans with classmates and collaborating organizations participating in the project, and received advice and feedback from the collaborating organizations on the content.

One particular group chose the slogan, “Creating a society where people join hands beyond language and culture.” This relates to SDG goal 10 to eliminate inequality between people and countries. There are about 2,700 foreign residents living in Toyoake City, which accounts for about 4% of the total population, making it one of the highest rates in the prefecture. The Japanese language ability of foreign children and students varies greatly from person to person, so detailed support is necessary. In addition, some foreign residents, not just children, do not fully understand Japanese, which means they are unable to obtain the information they need for daily life and are unable to receive the services they should be receiving.

グローカル探究/未来探究/sports knowledge




グローカル探究/未来探究/sports knowledge





【第10回】 7月5日(金)5・6限「進路探究③」



第9回】7月5日(金)5・6限「自己分析から志望理由を書く」(3年生 探究)

7/5  5・6限目は、これまでのワークを振り返って第一志望校の学校の志望理由書を作成しました。今回までに自己分析を行ったり、志望校の情報を集めたり様々なワークを行ってきました。



グローカル探究/未来探究/sports knowledge

6/13 & 6/20

Students prepared for the various field conferences. The key points were to think about awareness-raising materials (solutions to local issues) and consider methods, etc. They had to decide on a theme, roughly explain what they will do and if they are related to any SDGs. They had to come up with reasons or evidence that awareness-raising materials lead to problem solving. The ideal situation is for local issues in Toyoake City to be solved. Ideally, the educational materials created by the students will actually be used somewhere and lead to solutions.

The Regional Collaborative Creation Project

Toyoake City is home to people from a variety of backgrounds, including elderly citizens, foreign residents, people with disabilities, those raising children, and LGBTQ+ residents.

Seijoh High School aims to create a “coexistence society" where Toyoake residents of all backgrounds can understand each other, and in order to achieve this, we will identify local issues and work to resolve them.

グローカル探究/未来探究/sports knowledge


From 6/6 the students going to Okinawa will focus on various efforts in Okinawa Prefecture and Toyoake City.

Each group will research Toyoake City’s efforts and compare them with Okinawa Prefecture’s SDGs.

In addition to this they will think of a slogan to write on the planters of the Flower Road Project which should be about tackling the SDGs from Toyoake City’s perspective. Therefore, they researched Toyoake City’s efforts and its characteristics and issues, and shared the information within each group.

The Taiwan and Korea Groups needed to present and select local issues, and consider them for the field-specific conferences. The key pointswere as follows:

1. Each group will decide on one local issue.

2. Research the background of the local issue and use it to develop awareness-raising materials in the future.

The student groups had to choose one of 14 issues for the field conference and 11 issues were selected:

1 Elderly citizens – The older they are, the less involved the older men are in the community.

2 Elderly citizens – Most elderly people take medicine, but they do not take it properly.

3 Elderly citizens – There is little social awareness of dementia.

4 Foreign citizens – There is little awareness of the risks and responses to natural disasters in Japan.

5 Foreign citizens – There are few opportunities to interact with Japanese people outside of work and school.

6 Foreign citizens – There are few places where foreign children can learn outside of school (cram schools, etc.).

7 People with disabilities – There are limited means of transportation, and the Himawari bus may not be able to take them to their destination.

8 People with disabilities – Low wages and rising prices make life difficult.

9 Child-rearing generation – More children on waiting lists (0-2 years old) are applying to be admitted to childcare facilities, but not all of them can be admitted.

10 Child-rearing generation – According to the birth trend survey, the percentage of people who say they “don’t want children" has increased 4.8 times for men and 3.4 times for women over the past 40 years. What should I do to make myself want to have children?

11 Child-rearing generation – Some families live in fear due to dating violence or domestic violence after marriage.

12 LGBTQ+ – In a prejudiced area, people fear rumors will be spread and they cannot express themselves in the way they dress, so they are unable to take part in community activities.

13 LGBTQ+ – It may be difficult to use places with clear gender markings, such as changing rooms and restrooms.

14 LGBTQ+ – Even if LGBTQ+ awareness is raised in the community beforehand, when a disaster occurs, people may not be able to identify themselves based on their sexual orientation or gender identity at evacuation shelters.

グローカル探究/未来探究/sports knowledge




【第9回】 6月21日(金)5・6限「進路探究②」


【第8回】6月21日(金)5・6限「 他己分析と自分のポジション」、「自分の進路に関わる社会問題を考える」 

 6/21 5限は前回『自分の強み』を見つけて、今回は友人から自分のアピールポイントなどを互いに伝え合いました。普段の自分がどのように見られているのか、自分との認識を知る良い機会になったと思います。


グローカル探究/未来探究/sports knowledge



【第8回】 6月14日(金)5・6限「進路探究①」


【第7回】6月14日(金)5・6限「志望理由講座 ~ 相手に伝わるように考えよう ~」
 6/14 5限目に外部講師の方をお迎えし、「志望理由の組み立て方」についてのご講演をしていただきました。志望理由を作成する上で重要なことや書き方のルールなどを教えていただきました。将来の夢や目標と進学先が求める学生像をマッチングさせた上で志望理由を作成しなければいけないことを学びました。

