















7月18日 木曜 保護者会最終日の本日、父母の会・同窓会・星城懇話会のお力添えにて「全国高等学校総合体育大会出場者激励会」を行いました。今年のインターハイ参加生徒数は延べ119名に及びます。

学園長の激励から始まり、星城懇話会会長 工藤 潔 様、父母の会副会長 大隅 範芳 様からもありがたい励みの言葉をいただきました。

熱いエールに応えるべく、選手を代表して剣道部主将 上山 哲夫 君が決意表明を行い、また、工藤様より出場する各部活動に記念品が手渡されました。

令和6年度 全国高等学校総合体育大会は北部九州での開催です。 期間7月21日(日)~8月20日(火)

ソフトボール部 7月22日(月)~7月25日(木) 長崎県大村市総合運動公園広場ほか

空 手 道 部 8月1日(木)~8月4日(日) 長崎県佐世保市体育文化館

レスリング部  8月1日(木)~8月4日(日) 佐賀県嬉野市中央体育館

剣  道  部 8月3日(土)~8月6日(火) 大分県大分市レゾナック武道スポーツセンター







グローカル探究/未来探究/sports knowledge

7/4 and 7/11 Regional Collaborative Creation Project

Students were visited by members of the following collaborating organizations: Peace, Toyoake City Hall (Childcare Division/Childcare Support Division), Toyoake City Hall (Coexistence Society Division), Toyoake International Association and Sugi Holdings.

The students in each group gave their ideas to the collaborating organisations on how to improve various aspects of life in the Toyoake area with regards to the elderly, childcare and coexistence. The feedback they received was invaluable in order to fine-tune their ideas and give each group a clear picture of how each of their activities will benefit the local community.

In Toyoake City, people from various backgrounds, such as elderly citizens, foreign citizens, people with disabilities, people raising children, and LGBTQ+, live together. Seijo High School aims to create a “coexistence society" where Toyoake citizens of all backgrounds can understand each other, and in order to realize this, we would like to discover local issues and work toward solving them.

Therefore, students who choose the Korea/Taiwan course as their study trip destination will carry out a “Regional Collaborative Creation Project." In order to improve the solutions to local issues that they have come up with, we would like the students to create effective enlightenment materials with the help of collaborating organizations that are close to Toyoake citizens on a daily basis through this field-specific council.

Students reflected on the content of the field-specific conference and revised the content in addition to deciding on the awareness-raising materials they will work on and think about future plans.

Students will actually create something that will be the first step towards solving local issues and will present it to the collaborating organizations and third graders. The ideal situation is for the collaborating organizations to take home the things and ideas they presented and actually use them.

グローカル探究/未来探究/sports knowledge

7/4 and 7/11 Flower Road Project

The students summarized the creation and background of the slogans to be posted on Flower Road. The aim of each team is to complete the content spreadsheet and slides for the presentation. The background of the slogan should be related to Toyoake City and they should use their own feelings about Toyoake City as the background.

Students who choose the Okinawa course as their study trip destination will carry out the “Flower Road Project," an ongoing project based on community and social contribution activities, environmental conservation activities, and community collaboration. The project will involve placing planters with slogans promoting understanding and awareness of the SDGs from the perspective of town and community development along the school route from Zengo Station to the vicinity of the Seven-Eleven Toyoake Sakaemachi store. At the slogan sharing event, students shared their slogans with classmates and collaborating organizations participating in the project, and received advice and feedback from the collaborating organizations on the content.

One particular group chose the slogan, “Creating a society where people join hands beyond language and culture.” This relates to SDG goal 10 to eliminate inequality between people and countries. There are about 2,700 foreign residents living in Toyoake City, which accounts for about 4% of the total population, making it one of the highest rates in the prefecture. The Japanese language ability of foreign children and students varies greatly from person to person, so detailed support is necessary. In addition, some foreign residents, not just children, do not fully understand Japanese, which means they are unable to obtain the information they need for daily life and are unable to receive the services they should be receiving.




